Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Part 2 of, A Bird in the hand is better than 2 in the Bush.

Part 2: Now  if that wasn't enough! There's more. Three months later she returned for another haircut. As I open the door and welcomed her in,  she said, Sonia I really appreciate the story you told me about the bird the last time I was here. I do appreciate you telling me that story, and I know you were just trying to make me feel better.  But I know that's not my bird, but I really do appreciate you telling me that story.
 It can't be my bird, because, One day when he purchased himself up on the door he got his nail caught in the door and tore it off! So I know that can't be my bird!
I said Oh! I think he has a nail missing. Yup I believe he does, I wouldn't lie. I said, I had always wondered what happen and how he lost that nail. I thought OUCH! That must have hurt! Mitchel. Then we walked over to his cage. And looked at Mitchel's clews and saw that he had a nail gone.
Yup. Take a look I said. So she looked and didn't say a word. I know in my heart, God was dealing with her, and the devil had lied to her. he convinced her that it was not her Poppy bird. Now there was no doubt the Lord was at work in her heart to have faith in God. This is the Sovereign work of God and it blessed me to have a part of it. I believe it had to of been a blessing for this Lady to finally know what came of her cocktail. And that God cared enough, down to the smallest detail of her life with Poppy the bird. God really showed off today in blessing her heart with His peace, to learn after all these years, she can trust in God!
Praise the Lord! This is my prayer for you as well today. Give the Holy Spirit those things that concern you right now, and you can begin to Thank the Lord for what he has already done in that  situation. As you do this, I'm praying that His peace will fill your heart and mind with Christ Jesus. Amen.

Learn to see your work-life as a mission, not a mandate and bring revival to the workplace!

Sonia Rez

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